
Art and Craft Exhibition 2023

In the spirit of fostering creativity and unleashing artistic talent School hosted an extraordinary Art and Craft Competition . The school premises were transformed into a vibrant gallery, showcasing a dazzling array of imaginative creations by the talented students. The young artists exhibited a profound understanding of the chosen themes, making the competition a visual feast for everyone in attendance. The judging panel, consisting of esteemed artists and faculty members, faced the delightful challenge of selecting winners from the impressive entries. Mrs. Teena Vyas, the school's Principal, commended the participants for their exceptional creativity and dedication, underscoring the significance of art in nurturing holistic development. The Art and Craft Competition of 2023 served as a testament to the school's commitment to providing a platform for students to explore and celebrate their artistic talents. . #ArtCraftCompetition #CreativityShowcase #BestSchoolInJodhpur #MGSSS