
Pre-Primary Currciculum

Pre-Primary - This level is also called KG or kindergarten in India. There are a number of Montessori schools and pre-schools dotted all over India. Although the importance of pre-primary education was not given that much attention, now it is considered crucial before formal education is provided. Pre-primary education in India is encouraged by the government with the help of the Anganwadi scheme but in cities, there are a number of pre-schools that offer this education. These schools are also called play-schools as children learn a lot by playing and interacting with each other. They include a lot of toys, swing sets, and colorful learning aids to help children get acclimated with the future school curriculum. It is also a great exercise for children to become social by interacting with other children. The pre-primary classes are divided into two sets- Junior KG for children of 3-4 years of age and Senior Kg for up to 5 years of age. Children at this stage learn the fundamental concepts of shapes, numbers, colours, animals, plants etc that helps ease the transition to formal schooling.

Primary Currciculum

Primary Curriculum - India has taken great strides towards improving the education system, especially- primary education. In a landmark achievement by Kerala, which is achieving a 100% literacy rate, we have shown that with the right effort and moves, we too, can achieve greater heights. Primary education in India has received mixed reviews with regards to its quality and structure. Although there are government reforms to revamp the structure of schools in India, we are yet to see a greater level of momentum. Primary school classes start when a child is 5 and goes on to when they are 14. The curriculum is standardized all across India and Though mixed reactions have been received from the public and parents about the quality of learning, there are also government reforms to amend it. The different primary education boards have a similar structure where they teach the fundamental subjects of Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, English, and a Vernacular Language. This is the basic structure of the formal education that a person needs to have before they can call themselves literate. Schools, like Podar International School use as much practical and experiential learning to help children develop a better understanding of their curriculum.

Secondary curriculum

.Secondary School - Secondary Education in India is a pivotal chapter in any student’s life as it helps them make important decisions regarding their future career choices. This is the place where your child thoroughly explores their interests to choose the various subjects for their higher secondary education. Secondary Schools in India actually cover classes 9th and 10th, while the higher secondary section covers 11th and 12th. The school curriculum at this point comprises intermediate levels of Mathematics, Social Science, History, Geography, Sciences, and Language. The syllabus and concepts are designed to challenge your child and test their aptitude in them. Students become more used to a high-paced form of learning and get introduced to complex concepts of algebra, trigonometry, chemistry, and physics. These two years are important as they help shape their fundamental concepts regarding these subjects that can help them make a better decision for their future. There is an important board exam after the 10th that vigorously assesses each student on the basis of the concepts that they have learned for so many years. After this exam, they are given options of 3 streams- Science, Commerce and Humanities. An important decision in any Indian household, this choice defines the last part of formal schooling in India

Senior secondary curriculum

Secondary School - Secondary Education in India is a pivotal chapter in any student’s life as it helps them make important decisions regarding their future career choices. This is the place where your child thoroughly explores their interests to choose the various subjects for their higher secondary education. Secondary Schools in India actually cover classes 9th and 10th, while the higher secondary section covers 11th and 12th. The school curriculum at this point comprises intermediate levels of Mathematics, Social Science, History, Geography, Sciences, and Language. The syllabus and concepts are designed to challenge your child and test their aptitude in them. Students become more used to a high-paced form of learning and get introduced to complex concepts of algebra, trigonometry, chemistry, and physics. These two years are important as they help shape their fundamental concepts regarding these subjects that can help them make a better decision for their future. There is an important board exam after the 10th that vigorously assesses each student on the basis of the concepts that they have learned for so many years. After this exam, they are given options of 3 streams- Science, Commerce and Humanities. An important decision in any Indian household, this choice defines the last part of formal schooling in India